Find another word for patient. Patient: an individual awaiting or … The terminology may or may not seem significant to some, but to others it can mean a world of difference. Le mot patient est dérivé du mot latin patiens, participe présent du verbe déponent pati, signifiant « celui qui endure » ou « celui qui souffre ». Patient, client or consumer? As an adjective patient is content to wait if necessary; not losing one's temper while waiting. As nouns the difference between client and patient is that client is a customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services while patient is a person or animal who receives treatment from a doctor or other medically educated person. Synonymes patient dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'être patient',patienter',patient en phase terminale',patent', expressions, conjugaison, exemples 3 In 1997, Wing, a Canadian orthopedist, surveyed "a group of people attending an ambulatory back-pain clinic in a teaching hospital," and 101 individuals were given a short letter and survey asking them to indicate whether they preferred the term client or patient. means an individual who, when competent requests, or when not competent to request is lawfully provided professional services by a mental health therapist when the mental health therapist agrees verbally or in writing to provide professional services to that individual, or without an overt agreement does in fact provide professional services to that individual. Il existe plusieurs dénominations communes au terme patient, dont personne soignée, bénéficiaire de soins ou encore client employé notamment dans la … Another word for patient. Find more ways to say patient, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 12 synonyms of patient from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 100 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Doctors rarely, if ever, seem to have the need to refer to the person under their care as a “client” or a “consumer” and seem to firmly believe that they provide care to their patients. Patients are used to the term patient and I do not think they would care what the Latin term refers to. Patient or client satisfaction The physical therapist engages in outcome data collection and analysis—that is, the methodical analysis of outcomes of care in relation to selected variables (eg, age, sex, diagnosis, interventions performed)—and develops statistical reports for internal or external use. Define Client or patient. So many things are constantly changing in healthcare and some things definitely need to change. client: [ kli´ent ] the term most often used as a synonym for a patient who receives health care in an ambulatory care setting, especially when health maintenance rather than illness care is the primary service provided. The term client seems to make me feel that the interaction with the patient is more of a business transaction rather than a caring transaction. Sometimes this term is preferred to denote … Antonyms for patient. Synonyms for patient in Free Thesaurus. As anyone who works in healthcare will attest, patient-centered care has taken center stage in discussions of quality provision of healthcare, but has the true meaning of patient-centered become lost in the rhetoric?

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